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Alumni Card Application

Alumni who wish to apply for an alumni card are requested to prepare the following documents: 1. One or 2-inch photo (to be returned after scanning) 2. Graduation certificate 3. Your filled alumni information form (as attached) and come to our center for processing. You can pick up your card on the same day and there is no handling fee for applying for an alumni card.


There are four major benefits to applying for an alumni card:

1) Access to the school library, no longer restricted to a temporary card. If you need to activate borrowing, you will need to go to the second floor of the Administration Building and pay a deposit of NT$2,000 at the Cashier’s Office. Bring your card and receipt to the library for activation.

2) Discounted parking rates when returning to school, NT$20 per hour (reduced from NT$50 per hour)

3) Discounted swimming prices at the swimming pool and gym, NT$75 for swimming (reduced from NT$100)

4) Artco De Cafe - NTUE campus cafe (next to NTUE Art Gallery) offers a 10% discount on presentation of an alumni card.